Fixing photo management

There’s been a lot of buzz in the market about photo management and cloud storage solutions. Google, Yahoo, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft - all are currently experimenting with some sort of solution for their users. At the same time, a lot of people are voicing their dissatisfaction with current photo management and personal cloud storage solution options in the market. Things seem to be only working half right. I’ve experienced this first hand through my own usage of current photo management service providers and direct feedback from our users.

I love photos, love having them on me. Since I bought an iPad, I’ve found myself wanting to be able to access and edit my photo library on it. It’s the perfect device for viewing photos but at the same time I cannot access my photos on it. It’s also a let down that my iPhone hits storage capacity so quickly and keeping photos in sync across my iOS and Mac devices is such a painful experience. This can be solved by having a better integrated cloud system so everything is automatic and accessible everywhere. This is why my team and I have been working on building Loom to solve the problems we’re experiencing with photo management. I’ve never been more excited about building something. It’s a product that I wanted for myself for a long time.

In our announcement two weeks ago we explained the problems we are trying to solve and our vision of personal cloud storage. We didn’t expect much reaction from the public as we didn’t show details of the product or features yet. So we were taken aback when saw that we received more than 30,000 website hits and 5,000 invite requests within the first few hours after posting our blog post. We seem to have touched on something people really care about. It has energized us to build faster.

I can’t wait to show what we’re building.


Now read this

Files and folders

I used my first desktop in the 80s, which makes me part of the generation that learned to manage content with files and folders organized by type - documents, photos, music, so on. Today, when I purchase a brand new computer, I will... Continue →